Berkata ala Diri Sendiri, Berawal di Bumi Sendiri—Merah Putih!!—

Berupaya menyisir, menggeledah, membongkar sembari mencari, menyelidiki, ataupun nyantri pada Kiai Kehidupan untuk memilah dan berusaha menemukan apa yang pantas diperjuangkan dalam hidup...

Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008


Now, this day is an amazed day coz it has the same date with its month and year.... we can make this day better???????

I think the reasons are in your self... May be in myself, i'll do the greatest act to My Highest Love...
although it is not easy to do.... i think planning is better than nothing, right???
The second act is more respect to my parents only,
The third act is do my homework better.... ,
The fourth act and so on are still be in my other mind ...... ^_+

(to be continued)

2 komentar:

  1. Yah namanya juga tanggal,

    BIsa kebetulan doankz


    we must keep our desire(s) in our heart..


    hope GOD give the best for us

  2. dominguez :
    bner jg bos!tp it's wonderful enough 4 me....thx... may ALLah blessings Us!
