Now, this day is an amazed day coz it has the same date with its month and year.... we can make this day better???????
I think the reasons are in your self... May be in myself, i'll do the greatest act to My Highest Love...
although it is not easy to do.... i think planning is better than nothing, right???
The second act is more respect to my parents only,
The third act is do my homework better.... ,
The fourth act and so on are still be in my other mind ...... ^_+
(to be continued) we can make this day better???????
I think the reasons are in your self... May be in myself, i'll do the greatest act to My Highest Love...
although it is not easy to do.... i think planning is better than nothing, right???
The second act is more respect to my parents only,
The third act is do my homework better.... ,
The fourth act and so on are still be in my other mind ...... ^_+
(to be continued)
Yah namanya juga tanggal,
BalasHapusBIsa kebetulan doankz
we must keep our desire(s) in our heart..
hope GOD give the best for us
dominguez :
BalasHapusbner jg bos!tp it's wonderful enough 4 me....thx... may ALLah blessings Us!