Berkata ala Diri Sendiri, Berawal di Bumi Sendiri—Merah Putih!!—

Berupaya menyisir, menggeledah, membongkar sembari mencari, menyelidiki, ataupun nyantri pada Kiai Kehidupan untuk memilah dan berusaha menemukan apa yang pantas diperjuangkan dalam hidup...

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2008


Salah satu guru kimia di SMA Negeri Mojoagung pada tanggal 10 juli 2008, berhasil meraih gelar Magister Teknik (MT) dari Universitas Brawijaya Malang, prestasi ini semakin memperkokoh barisan pengajar di SMA Negeri Mojoagung dan memberikan motivasi bagi para siswa untuk lebih berprestasi di bidang akademik. Berikut riwayat hidup guru kimia kita.

AHMAD, lahir di Jombang, 27 Oktober 1965, menyelesaikan sekolah dasar di MI Kesamben tahun 1979, SMP Negeri 1 di Mojoagung tahun 1982 dan SMPP jurusan IPA di kota Jombang tahun 1985, mendapat gelar Diploma Pendidikan Kimia IKIP Surabaya tahun 1989, kemudian pada tahun 1994 mendapat beasiswa untuk melanjutkan studi Sarjana Pendidikan Kimia di Universitas Pattimura Ambon dan meraih gelar Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) tahun 1995, selanjutnya pada tahun 2006 mendapatkan beasiswa dari Biro Kerjasama Luar Negeri (BKLN) Depdiknas untuk melanjutan studi Pascasarjana Teknik Sipil konsentrasi Perencanaan Pendidikan di Universitas Brawijaya Malang dan meraih gelar Magister Teknik (MT) tahun 2008. Pengalaman kerja sebagai guru kimia di SMA Negeri 3 Ambon 1990 - 1998, guru kimia di SMA Negeri Mojoagung Jombang 1999 – saat ini. Mendapat penghargaan sebagai Pelopor Iptek dari LIPI dan Depdiknas tahun 2002 kemudian pada tahun 2006 mendapat penghargaan dari Bupati Jombang sebagai Juara II Guru Berprestasi Kabupaten Jombang.


Ahmad, e-mail :
Supervisor : Dr. Ir. Surjono, MTP. Co-Supervisor Ir. Ludfi Djakfar, MSCE, PhD

The development of vocational high school based on local competitive advantage in every cities or regencies is one of the milestone of National Education Department. Research questions are : What main sectors are the local competitive advantage?, What skills are needed to qualify and how many workers are employed to meet the local competitive advantage?, How is the availability of vocational high school opening vocational program based on the local competitive advantage?.
Research objectives are : (1) To describe and to analyze the Local Competitive Advantage in Jombang Regency, (2) To identify the required skills and to calculate workers absorption based on the local competitive advantage in Jombang Regency, (3) To analyze the availability of vocational high school opening vocational program based on the local competitive advantage in Jombang Regency.
The research employs LQ (Location Quotient) and Shift-Share analysis to know the local competitive advantage, to identify skills based on the local competitive advantage by interviewing with the experts of respective fields, to measure worker absorption based on the local competitive advantage by ILOR analysis (Incremental Labor Output Ratio) , and to analyze the availability of vocational high school opening vocational program based on the local competitive advantage by Table Check List after interview with the experts of respective fields.
The conclusions of the research are : (1) The local competitive advantage in Jombang Regency during the period of 2001-2006 shows the following features : agriculture sector , electric, gas and clean water sector, service sector, transportation and communication sector, (2) The middle-level of skills needed to qualify with local competitive advantage were expert of the agriculture, technician of the electric , gas and clean water, expert of service sector, and technician of transportation and communication sector. The number of workers employed based on the competitive advantage seems relatively high, especially the agriculture sector with the highest rank of all sectors, but with low productivity, (3) The availability of vocational high school opening vocational program based on local competitive advantage shows that only one vocational high school opening vocational program based on the agriculture, namely Kudu State Vocational High School while the agriculture refers to the main sector with the highest worker absorption. Three vocational high schools opening vocational program based on electric, gas and clean water. Fourteen vocational high schools opening vocational program based on service. Twenty-nine vocational high schools opening vocational program based on transportation and communication.
This research suggests that agriculture as local competitive advantage should be supported by vocational high schools opening vocational program for developing and manufacturing, packaging, and marketing of farming commodities so that this local advantage can be developed, not only involves the activity of harvesting and selling product but also increasing the value added by harvesting, manufacturing, packaging and marketing.

Key words : Local Advantage, Skill, Vocational High School, Vocational Program.


".....Semakin bangga jadi siswa SMANEMA,...... " =)

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